The Wave

On rare occasions Southern California produces glowing neon waves caused by a special type of plankton. When disturbed this plankton emits a temporary blue light that fades after a few moments. When bigger swells hit the coast the result is nothing less than magical. This photo captured one of those moments during an early summer night near Malibu.


On rare occasions Southern California produces glowing neon waves caused by a special type of plankton. When disturbed this plankton emits a temporary blue light that fades after a few moments. When bigger swells hit the coast the result is nothing less than magical. This photo captured one of those moments during an early summer night near Malibu.


Framing Details

Wooden Frame

Frames are made of solid wood and offered in gallery white or black. Matting comes in solid white and recommend 3" for larger prints. If you choose no frame for prints they will be delivered rolled in a sealed tube.

Prints are framed behind glare reducing acrylic. Framing is lightweight and comes ready to mount with a metal wire.

Canvas, Acrylic, Metal (ChromaLuxe)

Prints in these mediums come ready to hang without a frame. Wooden inset framing is available on request.